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Welcome to the Virtual Anaesthesia Textbook, an information resource for anaesthesia providers and their support staff. Our goal to organise key internet resources relating to anaesthesia into one concise, textbook style website.

This site is not intended for use by patients. While it may assist in informing the general public, it should not and cannot replace the doctor/patient relationship.

Translations (using Google and starting from English only) can be made to Spanish, German, French, or Italian. Note that the selected language follows all links until the browser window is closed.

If you have a larger screen you may prefer the frames version.

Note that most of the information on the internet has not been formally peer reviewed. Some information may be inappropriate or incorrect. A listing in the VAT does not imply accuracy or endorsement. Concerns about the contents of a particular page should be direct to the person who wrote it.

I would like to thank the dedicated Chapter Organisers who make it all happen and John Oyston and John Loadsman for their logo design.

Many chapters still need to be written. If you think that you could help, please take the time to read the introduction before contacting me. Suggestions for new links, features or chapters are always welcome. If you find a broken link, let us know, and we'll fix it!

hits since April 29 2000. Thanks for visiting!

Chris Thompson
Project co-ordinator
5th December 2004.

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Introduction, FAQ, advertising

Medline, Journals, news services

Sites, education, textbooks, info...

Societies and departments

TheInternet, e-mail, etc

Professional issues:

Statistics and research

Critical incident monitoring and QA

Legal and ethical issues


Basic sciences:

Anatomy for anaesthetists

Principles of pharmacology

Opioid analgesic drugs

Non-opioid analgesic drugs

Intravenous anaesthetic drugs; TIVA, TCI

Volatile agents

Muscle physiology, MH etc.

Local anaesthetics, nerve conduction

Respiration and drugs affecting respiration

Anaphylaxis, allergy and immunology

Water, electrolyte, renal and acid-base

Anaesthesia equipment:

Simulators and software

The anaesthetic machine

Patient monitoring

PDA's, informatics and clinical information systems

Anaesthetic equipment suppliers

Patient care:

Pre-operative assessment, premedication

Post-operative care; the recovery room (PACU)

Post-operative pain management

Post-operative nausea and vomiting (PONV)

Intubation; the difficult airway

Regional and local anaesthetic techniques

Positioning the patient

Poisonings, bites and envenomations

Hyperbarics, altitude; underwater and space

Anaesthesia for:

Laser surgery

Infants and children

Obstetrics and the pregnant patient

The elderly

Neurosurgery; management of head injury

Cardio-thoracic surgery

Vascular surgery

ENT, ophthalmic, dental and facial surgery

Veterinary Anaesthesia