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The Virtual Anaesthesia Textbook

Statistics and Research

Last modified 10/11/2017. Comments to: Chris Thompson


  • Statistics
    • General
    • Stats Software
    • Stats Humour?
  • Research
    • General
    • Ethical Issues
    • Animal Research Resources and Ethics
    • Grant Applications
    • Libraries
    • Textbook (etc) Suppliers
    • Medline Services



Basic Statistics and Epidemiology for Anaesthesia and Critical Care Practitioners by Robert Fromm and Joseph Varon of Houston, Texas. Unfortunately, the page seems to be frequently unavailable.

If basic statistics aren't enough for you then try SurfStat Australia which has moved from the University of Newcastle to the Australian National University. This is a very slick online textbook of statistics with a linked glossary (needs javascript for the glossary links). What you can't learn here isn't worth knowing! There are even online statistical tables (z, t, Chi-Squared and binomial) and some questions to try out.

Hyperstat is another online stats text by David Lane. It was in the process of being converted from HyperCard to HTML but it looks like this may now be complete. Usefully, David's site also has a pile of links to other online Stats resources.

Jan de Leeuw of the UCLA Statistics Department also maintains an online textbook which seems to be growing all the time it's well on it's way to becoming the best of the lot. This page has a number of statistical calculators.

The physics department of the College of Saint Benedict and Saint John University, Minnesota, also has a set of stats pages with CALCULATORS for many functions.

Formal courses in statistics are provided by

The Resampling Stats home page is a source for information about statistics in general and resampling methods in particular. Lots of stats info, texts and links as well.

Statistics on the Web by Clay Helberg has an enormous section on Educational Resources, including online web courses that are available and some more online textbooks.

For another very extensive guide to stats resources on the web take a look at the Interactive Statistical Calculation Pages. There are something like 300 links to web sites that have statistical calculators of one sort or another, and they are nicely classified and things like the necessity for javascript listed for each entry. This is a truly excellent resource.

The Institute for Medical Outcome Research (IMOR Ltd) is a German commercial group (mostly from medical backgrounds) set up " to provide our clients with a single key solution to medical questions and problems in clinical research, project planning, product development and post-marketing surveillance." They may be able to help you with your statistics and the design of your trials.

For a good hardcopy book you might consider Statistics With Confidence by Martin J. Gardner, Douglas G. Altman and David MacHin or Statistical methods in medical research by P. Armitage.

Stats Software

For a far more exhaustive list of links to software providers than I can provide I suggest you take a look at the Software-oriented Pages section of Statistics on the Web by Clay Helberg. There's stuff here for every platform and every budget, including heaps of free working demos. There's even more stuff in his Other Lists of Links. Interactive Statistical Calculation Pages also has an extensive list of free statistical software packages available, including plenty of stuff for the Mac platform and others.

StatLib is a library of statistical software and datasets (mostly for IBM compatibles I think).

The Statistics page of the World Wide Web Virtual Library also has a long list of links to software providers.

The Resampling Stats home page has resampling software for sale and includes a large page of links to other commercial, shareware and freeware providers.

Data Description Inc. has a useful sounding stats management package available (for many platforms) called Data Desk. There is also a multimedia course called ActivStats. Unfortunately they aren't free but there are demos! Texasoft has similar packages called WINKS and KWIKSTAT (for Windows and DOS only) and again there are some free demos available.

For some inexpensive and innovative data analysis software have a look at Kovach Computing Services. Particularly interesting and perhaps fairly unique is their Oriana package for analysing circular data (circadian, seasonal etc). Free demos of the various packages are available.

Neglected Macintosh users should take a look at Joel West's MacStats Homepage.

Stats Humour?

And before anyone accuses me of being square, check out Gary C. Ramseyer's First Internet Gallery of Statistics Jokes!



Need a medical dictionary? In nine languages? The Multilingual Glossary of technical and popular medical terms in nine European Languages is for you! It's also searchable.

Perhaps you're having trouble with all those medical abbreviations? offers a database of biomedical acronyms with Palm and Blackberry versions.

Search For

Medical Abbreviations

Scientific Articles

Pharma-Lexicon Medical Abbreviations for Palm Pilot

Research Randomizer, using a Javascript random number generator, is a set of pages designed to assist researchers and students who want an easy way to perform random sampling or assign participants to experimental conditions. It is but one of many similar resources listed in the Interactive Statistical Calculation Pages (see also above).

getCITED is an ambitious project to facilitate searches for book chapters, working papers, conference papers, and other types of publications and academic research not commonly indexed. The project is off to a running start with over 315,000 identities and 3,250,000 publications indexed, but the site creators are requesting the cooperation of "the entire academic community." Scholars are encouraged to register with the site (for free) and enter in the details of their publications. Anyone may search the database for publications, identities, institutions, or departments, but only registered members may add or edit content. A free database created solely by and for researchers and scholars is an attractive idea and deserves support. It must be noted, however, that like so many other free online services, getCITED is searching for advertisers and sponsors and does not appear to have long-term guaranteed funding. A strong showing of support and interest from the academic community may make this task easier.

Ethical Issues

The Committee On Science, Engineering, And Public Policy of the National Academy Of Sciences (United States) has an online booklet via National Academy Press, On Being A Scientist: Responsible Conduct In Research, Third Edition, which deals with many of the ethical issues facing scientists. The Australian Government NH&MRC provide many publications on human and animal research.

BioethicsNet is a topical site covering ethical issues of the day.

For a topical read you might consider Ethical Issues in Anaesthesia by Wendy E. Scott, Michael D. Vickers and Heather Draper (Editors).

Animal Research Resources and Ethics

Almost everything that used to be found in this section can now be found in more up-to-date form in the Veterinary Chapter of the Virtual Anaesthesia Textbook.

Into frog dissection? Now you can do it without the mess with the Virtual Frog Dissection Kit which is available in a number of languages. Frog2 from the University of Virginia is the new and improved model.

Grant Applications

In Australia, research projects may be supported by the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC). They have information and application forms for their grants. The University of Sydney Research and Scholarships Office Homepage has information including access to the SPIN database and other funding sources. Both the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists and the Australian Society of Anaesthetists offer grants to their members and perhaps others.

In the U.S., the American Association for the Advancement of Science has set up a Science Careers section of their website, specifically aimed at "scientists in training -- grad students, postdocs, and junior faculty members". For another list of grant agencies check out SciCentral's funding sources page.


These days a google search is the simplest way to find the nearest medical/health library.

Textbook (etc) Suppliers

Amazon has an extensive internet book store. Here are a couple of my favourites:

Textbooks can be also be ordered online from the University of Sydney Medical Society Bookshop, often with substantial discounts.

Medline Services

Please see the Virtual Anaesthesia Textbook chapter on Medline and other internet resources.

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visitors to this chapter since April 29th 2000. Originally authored by:
Dr. John Loadsman
Department of Anaesthetics
Royal Prince Alfred Hospital
Camperdown, Australia, 2050
Fax +61 2 9519 2455
Telephone +61 2 9515 8564

Questions about the Virtual Anaesthesia Textbook project itself should be e-mailed to Chris Thompson.