Preoperative Assessment
The American Society of Anesthesiology site includes general Practice Guidelines for the basics of preoperative evaluation and perioperative care of patients with cardiac stents.
The Society of Cardiovascular Anaesthetists has an excellent site, including the.2007 ACC/AHA Guidelines for Perioperative Cardiovascular Evaluation for Non-cardiac Surgery, 2009 ACCF/AHA Focused Update on Perioperative Beta Blockade
A review of adult patients with congenital heart disease is available from the excellent Adult Congenital Heart Association site. AMHA has a sub-section on congenital heart disease.
The BJA has a great 2002 v88 no5 editorial on pacemakers and ICDs in the anaesthesia setting. Here is Marc Rozner's GasNet discussions about pacemakers.
JACC focused update 2008 for prevention of endocarditis in valvular cardiac disease 2008. See also the American Heart Association Bacterial Endocarditis Guidelines.
The Australian Resuscitation Council provide resuscitation guidelines and fowcharts.
Dan Moos' Basic Guide for Resuscitation in Developing Countries is a well presented resuscitation manual. It can be found on the IFNA site.
US ASA's Practice Guideline for basic monitoring, Pulmonary Artery Catheter and blood usage guidelines.
Echocardiography is well represented on the Web, including these sites:
Other echo sites include :
Myocardial Revascularisation
The Heart Surgery Forum presents a number of resources related to cardiac surgery, with extensive discussion of minimally invasive techniques and off-pump CABG.
The ACC site should be visited for a review of their Clinical Guidelines. A recent addition is the 2004 Guideline for Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting.
The Society of Thoracic Surgeons has information for adult patients having cardiac surgery including stenting vs surgery , CABG information. and what to expect after cardiac surgery.
Valvular Disorders
Antibiotic prophylaxis - ACC/AHA 2008 Update.
The Heart Surgery Forum also addresses issues concerning patients undergoing valve surgery, with emphasis on minimally invasive techniques.
ACC/AHA Guidelines for Management of Patients with Valvular Disease 2006
The Society of Thoracic Surgeons has this primer for patients needing Aortic Valve surgery, Mitral Valve Replacement or repair.
2007 STS/SCA Perioperative Blood Transfusion and Blood Conservation in Cardiac Surgery
Thoracic Surgery
The Society of Thoracic Surgeons homepage provides Society info as well as full text cardiovascular and thoracic journal articles. The Cardiothoracic Surgery Network is a great site.
The American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP) The Journal Chest provides abstracts and PDF's..
Cardiopulmonary Bypass
The Internet Journal of Perfusionists provides us with some useful articles.
Additional sites worth checking out:
Circulatory Assist Devices
Very detailed review on the SCA site.
AHA advice for patients. - also from NIH
Postoperative Care
Postoperative bleeding is an unwanted complication, and may be related to platelet dysfunction. Paparella's 2004 review. Pathophysiology of bleeding and clotting Achneck Circulation 2010. The use of thromboelastography is addressed in the Internet Journal of Anesthesia.
Postoperative Pain Management is the subject of a separate Virtual Anaesthesia Textbook chapter.
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visitors to this chapter since April 29th 2000.
Original concept for the Virtual Anaesthesia Textbook by: Dr. Chris Thompson Senior Staff Specialist Anaesthetist Royal Prince Alfred Hospital Sydney Australia