Ophthalmic Anaesthesia
Anatomy and Anaesthesia
Sub-Tenon's Anaesthesia
Ophthalmic Organisations
Ophthalmic Journals
- British Journal of Ophthalmology online includes articles in full text and with all figures and tables, fully searchable by author, title, and keyword. The cited references at the end of each article include hyperlinks to Medline abstracts and through to the full text of other journals available online through Highwire Press, a division of Stanford University's Green Library.
- The American Journal of Ophthalmology is a monthly peer reviewed, scientific publication. As a companion to our print publication, AJO On-line provides Authors Interactive, Table of Contents for Next Month, the Current Month, and Previous Months, Abstracts of Original Articles and Perspectives, Keyword Search Function, On-line Subscriptions etc.
- Eye is the Journal of the Royal College of Ophthalmologists
Ear Nose & Throat Anaesthesia
Anatomy of ear nose and throat is explained in simple terms. Aimed at Medical Students but others may also find it useful.
ENT Anaesthesia Technique differs from other anaesthesia. Important Features are shared airway, difficult airway, emergence & extubation, variety of airway equipment, apnoea and rapid case turnover.
- Dr Lloyd-Thomas answers Frequently Asked Questions for patients about Anaesthesia for ENT Surgery, postoperative pain management & post-operative eating and drinking.
- John Doyle's comprehensive account of Medical Conditions with Airway Implications deals with Diabetes and the Airway, Obstructive Sleep Apnoea, Obesity, Anaesthetic Considerations in the Patient with Rheumatoid Arthritis, Zenker's Diverticulum, Acromegaly, Pregnancy, Anaphylaxis, Mediastinal Masses, Epiglottitis, The Airway in HIV-Infected Patients, Ludwig's Angina, and Retropharyngeal Abscess.
- is one of the foremost ENT / head and neck journals. A search finds something about almost anything. There are some very interesting case reports about tracheostomy, obstructive sleep apnoea, head & neck swelling, obstructive pharyngeal mass, .....
- There is large amount of patient information related to ENT procedures at the American Academy of Otolaryngology - Head & neck Surgery site. It also has some useful research contents
Faciomaxillary Anaesthesia
Local & Regional Anaesthesia Techniques in head & neck surgery are commonly used. Merits and drawbacks, physiology & pharmacology and specific techniques are discussed.
- Technique of Fiberoptic Bronchoscope Guided Endotracheal Intubation. I just sit the patient upright, head forward in sniffing position, tongue out & up a little, then spray 10% lignocaine while the patient 'pants' with short breaths in and out. The spray nozzle can be directed close to the larynx as anaesthesia develops, keeping the spray as anterior as possible. Typically I spray three to four times at 5 minute intervals - better not to rush! Unless there is significant supraglottic obstruction, this technique alone does a great job, and is simple to do.
- Search or browsethe journal for more information.
Societies & Organisations
Dental Anaesthesia
Guidelines & Standards
Dental Societies & Organisations

visitors to this chapter since April 29th 2000.
Original concept for the Virtual Anaesthesia Textbook by: Dr. Chris Thompson Senior Staff Specialist Anaesthetist Royal Prince Alfred Hospital Sydney Australia