Technology Assessment Providers
US Agency for Health Care Research and Quality (AHCRQ) - technology assessments section
Practice Management Services
Amsol provide practice management services to independent anesthesiology providers in the USA.
Anaesthetic Equipment and System Manufacturers
Agilent: see Philips Medical Systems Aspect Medical Systems: see Covidien. Ane-Dome: Drug security system for anesthesia carts BioTek : specialist medical equipment testing devices (offline 19/2/97) Blease: see Spacelabs - anaesthetic machines, ventilators, vaporisers, etc. Capsuletech: Smart interfacing modules and software code to allow applications aquire data from a very wide range of medical devices. Covidien: Nellcor, BIS, McGrath VideoScopes, etc CareFusion: airway and ventilation products Datex-Ohmeda: Part of GE now. Anaesthesia machines, monitors, gas analysers, AIMS solutions. Datascope: monitoring systems, intra-aortic balloon pumps, vascular grafts Dräger: Anaesthetic machines, AIMS, soda lime, monitors, ventilators, resuscitation equipment, gases, etc. Dremed: new and refurbished anaesthesia equipment for hospitals, veterinarians, research labs etc. Dupaco Inc : Stethoscopes, prone face protectors, miscellaneous items GE Healthcare: includes Marquette & Datex-Ohmeda - anaesthesia systems, monitors and more Following on from EmTek and CareFX.: Clinical Information Systems HP Medical: see Philips Medical Systems Johnson & Johnson : Infection control, vascular access, wound management, Sterrad Nellcor: now part of Covidien: pulse oximetry and other respiratory products including those from Mallincrodt, Argyle, Bronch-cath, etc. Marquette Electronics : now sold by GE as the Solar range. Maquet: Operating tables, Servo ventilators, Datascope monitors MedicRegister: extensive listing of medical equipment and anesthesia suppliers Mohawk Medical Mall: general medical supplies. Movit: wheel guards for anaesthesia machines, keeps cables from interfering with moving machines - offline 4 June 2005 Obamed: Compact Office Based Anesthesia machine OR Supply Co: Supplies for anesthesia, intubation and other specialty areas. Para Products: Makers of the Positube EDD an oesophageal detection device Picis : Anesthesia and Critical Care information systems. Penlon : Anaesthesia machines, vapourisers, laryngoscopes, suction pipelines etc. Philips Healthcare: products include patient monitors (portable, stand-alone, networked, central, ICU, holter), defibrillators, electronic & acoustic stethoscopes as well as CT scanners etc. Respiratory Products News is a great site with info about respiratory products Rüsch: airways, tubes, facemasks, etc. Sedation Resource, makers of a Bluetooth wireless electronic pre-cordial Stethoscope Siemens: monitors now incorporated in the Dräger product line; Servo ventilators now Maquet Sims Portex: endotracheal tubes, filters, connectors, masks, cannulas and catheters, epidural and spinal kits, etc. etc. Smiths Medical: Cannulae, medical products, Portex endotracheal tubes, connectors, masks etc. Spacelabs Medical : Cardiac monitors, gas analysers, anaesthesia machines, information systems; now part of GE Healthcare. SunMedUSA : wide range of anaesthesia equipment and accessories. Symbiosmedical : elastomeric pain management infusion systems, multi-orificed catheters etc Ulco Engineering: Anaesthetic machines, ventilators, Arkis recordkeeper Unomedical: Medical disposables including endotracheal tubes etc. VanbonMed: Vapouriser manufacturer, Beijing. Vitaid : The Glidesope vide-assisted laryngoscope / intubating device & others. Wu Scope Systems : Combination intubating device.
Medizin & MedTech - Verlag provide a german language european searchable equipment supplier list.
Mannikin-based anesthesia simulator manufacturers are in the education section.
Anaesthesia Equipment Suppliers: USA
Eldor Combined Spinal-Epidural Needle Movit - John Navar's system for clearing hoses from around trolley wheels. e-mail: Veterinary Anaesthesia Systems - New used and custom designed veterinary anaesthesia equipment Parker Medical : Endotracheal tubes and intubation equipment HullAnesthesia - California based equipment supplier with online ordering.
ESCO Industries : Operating Room Pendents, supply panels etc. Mayo Healthcare : Suppliers of a wider range of medical equipment, facemasks, breathing circuits, ventilators etc. etc. Ulco Engineering: Anaesthetic machines, ventilators, Arkis recordkeeper.
Lab Supplies: USA
Fisher Scientific - Lab supplies
For Information Systems see our chapter on PDA's, informatics etc.
Markus Weiss has written a journal article about video-assisted intubation equipment, including paediatric devices. has some great information about several equipment topics.

visitors to this chapter since April 29th 2000.
Original concept for the Virtual Anaesthesia Textbook by: Dr. Chris Thompson Senior Staff Specialist Anaesthetist Royal Prince Alfred Hospital Sydney Australia