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The Virtual Anaesthesia Textbook

Medline, Journals and News Services

Last modified 10/11/2017. Comments to: Chris Thompson


Medline Access:


Very comprehensive listings are available at the Medical Matrix site. Brian Katcher's "MEDLINE Interfaces and Related Resources" is the on-line version of an appendix from his recently published book, MEDLINE: A Guide to effective Searching.

NLM 'PubMed' is the best starting point - no registration required. Very up to date free medline from the National Library of Medicine in the USA.

Medscape - Free Medline abstract services (you have to register, at no cost, first) with an excellent boolean search engine to 1966. Selected full-text articles are also available.

Sometimes the Cochrane Collection can save time searching!

Subscription-only Services

Knowledge Finder - net accessible Medline with a free text fuzzy logic interface which, for quick queries, really works. Free 30 day assessment period, then subscription.
PaperChase is similar.
Ovid Technologies - net-accessible subscription-only (monthly fee) Medline (1966 to present).

Many Universities and hospitals provide Medline access to their employees; check first.

Journals - online

Anaesthesia - Wholly Electronic On-Line Journals

WFSA produce Update in Anaesthesia - an internet and print educational update journal, primarily for anaesthetists in developing countries. Full text.

Educational Synopses in Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine - the world's first full-text peer-reviewed electronic anaesthesia Journal - no longer exists.

The Internet Journal of Anesthesiology is a new full-text peer reviewed electronic journal by ispub.

BenthamOpen manage a number of internet journals including the Open Anesthesiology Journal.

The Italian Internet Journal of Paediatric and Neonatal Anesthesia - abstracts and full text articles - excellent!

The Indian Anaesthetists Forum on-line journal. Includes a discussion list, topical full-text articles etc.

The Internet Journal of Emergency and Intensive Care Medicine. By ispub.

Anesthesia On-Line - UK based.

Australian Prescriber (an Australian independent review of therapeutics, some useful links, especially if you search for "anaesthesia" or for a summary a newly released drug).

Anaesthesia - Print Journals

Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica - table of contents
American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine - subscription required.
Anaesthesia - table of contents and abstracts
Anaesthesia and Intensive Care - table of contents only.
Anesthesia and Analgesia - free demo, searchable contents, instructions for authors etc
Anesthesiology - table of contents, abstracts (searchable; including the ASA meeting) - some full text articles - great!
Annals of Thoracic Surgery - contents, abstracts, some full text.
British Journal of Anaesthesia - FULL TEXT of current issue, contents etc.
Trends in Anaesthesia and Critical Care - contents.
Der Anaesthesist - Journal of Swiss, German and Austrian Anaesthetists Societies - table of contents, abstracts by subscription, in German.
European Journal of Pain (Official journal of the European Federation of Chapters of the International Association for the Study of Pain).
Journal of Clinical Anaesthesia - Elsevier - contents listing and contact details.
International Journal of Obstetric Anaesthesia - contents listing and contact details.
The Japanese Journal of Anaesthesia - abstracts, full text requires password.
Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing - table of contents, abstracts free full text PDF.
Journal of Neurosurgical Anaesthesia - table of contents and abstracts.
Minerva Anestesiologica - Italian Journal of Anaesthesia - browse indexes, register for contents.
Nitric Oxide from
Thai Journal of Anesthesiology - Abstracts.

Other Medical Journals

Annals of Internal Medicine - Journal of the American College of Physicians; featured articles
Elsevier has a service called 'ScienceDirect'; this emails selected journal content direct to you.
Bandolier - the Journal of Evidence Based Medicine
British Medical Journal - full text of major articles
JAMA - and other Journals of the American Medical Association.
JAMIA - Journal of the American Informatics Association (full text)
Journal of Biomedical Informatics - search Elsevier
Journal of Postgraduate Medicine - peer reviewed full-text indexed journal from Seth GS Medical College
Lancet - free registration; tables of contents and full text&images of leading articles
Medical Education On-Line - on-line journal for Medical Educators
Medical Journal of Australia - pre-publication peer review of submissions
Nature -
Neurosurgery - the official journal of the Congress of Neurological Surgeons
New England Journal of Medicine - abstracts of major articles
Physician and Sports Medicine
Science -
Scientific American


Elsevier has incorporated Mosbby, Harcourt, WB Saunders, Academic Press, Churchill Livingstone etc)
Wolters Kluwer Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins....
Oxford University Press tables of contents and abstracts for all its journals
National Academy Press


Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation Newsletter
Malignant Hyperthermia Association (US)

Medical News and Information Services

ABC Aust Radio National Health Report - topical health issues
Anaesthesia Web - topical info from Yale/Roche (free registration, many images)
AnesthesiaLinx - News in anaesthesia from current medical journals
CNN Health News
Reuters Health News - subscription required for full access
Healthline - excellent general medical and health site
HealthWorks - free - UK based health briefs
Medical Matrix - Now requires subscription - Gary Malet's often updated lists of new internet medical resources
Hardin's What's New - free health information listings.

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Original concept for the Virtual Anaesthesia Textbook by:
Dr. Chris Thompson
Senior Staff Specialist Anaesthetist
Royal Prince Alfred Hospital
Sydney Australia