General Information
The American Society of Regional Anaesthesia provides their newsletters online (large PDF files), many of which provide excellent descriptions of basic and advanced techniques.
The European Society for Regional Anaesthesia has a Learning Zone with a massive amount of great information - requires registration (free).
The excellent New York Society of Regional Anesthesia site includes details of most block techniques, ultrasound anatomy,a summary of ultrasound applications, etc. etc. .
Local Anaesthetics and Nerve Conduction and Postoperative Pain are related chapters in this textbook.
Regional Analgesia and Anaesthesia for Obstetrics on the Swiss Anaesthesia Server.
Patient Information
General block info/consent form Qld Australia, Cambridge UK. GSH Interscalene Block Info. For patient information about analgesia for labour, see the chapter on obstetrics.
Blocks by Region
Most of my links are to the New York Society of Regional Anaesthesia site.
Orofacial blocks Excellent information from NYSORA
Upper Limb Blocks WFSA Update in Anaesthesia describes Axillary Brachial Plexus Block, digital nerve blocks and wrist blocks. See NYSORA's ultrasound guided or nerve stimulator blocks. eg axillary ultrasound, continuous axillary ultrasound, axillary nerve stim, etc.
Cervical Plexus Block Anatomy Superficial cervical and deep cervical blocks by nerve stimulator, and also ultrasound-guided, all from NYSORA.
Lower Limb blocks NYSORA has an update on lower extremity blocks, advice on lower limb block selection, blocks for ambulatory surgery, technical information on femoral single-shot ultrasound (second version), continuous femoral u/s, sciatic u/s, popliteal u/s, (landmarks and advice on which approach might be best), ankle block, ,etc.
They also have compared peripheral nerve blocks vs spinals for saphenous vein stripping.
WFSA foot and ankle surgery,
Hernia Repair Local Anaesthesia for Inguinal and Femoral Hernia Repair is a good article from Update in Anaesthesia.
Spinal anaesthesia WFSA: a practical guide, spread, assessment of block, in developing countries.
Epidural anaesthesia WFSA: Epidural anaesthesia, Caudal anaesthesia, Paediatric caudal anaesthesia, Management of post-dural-puncture headache.
Combined Spinal Epidural Anesthesia Dr. Eldor's Web site has a great deal of information.
Abdominal Wall Blocks The MSH Obstetric Ultrasound Workshop Website has good descriptions of needling techniques, TAP blocks primarily post caesarean etc. NYSORA as usual has an excellent TAP Block video and detailed PDF summary of how to do it!. WFSA info on TAP bocks.
Obstetrics Please go to the obstetric anaesthesia chapter.
Ophthalmic Surgery Update in Anaesthesia Anaesthesia for Ophthalmic Surgery Part 1: Regional Techniques is an excellent introduction, with clear illustrations. Also info on topical anaesthesia and the popular sub-tenons block.
Paediatric Surgery A site about Pain of Circumcision and Pain Control includes some full text references to paediatric pain issues and a warning about the use of EMLA for circumcision.
This Chapter originally by John Oyston.

visitors to this chapter since April 29th 2000.
Original concept for the Virtual Anaesthesia Textbook by: Dr. Chris Thompson Senior Staff Specialist Anaesthetist Royal Prince Alfred Hospital Sydney Australia